

Primavera Sound 2022

I was invited to draw live performances in the Primavera Sound 2022 music festival. Here are some of the artists I had the pleasure to draw.

We were also in charge of doing small portraits of "Primavera a la ciutat" artists.

visual development

"Golondrinas en verano" (2022) [In Progress]

Final project for Joso school. It'll be published under Grupo Planeta as a mix between a picture book and a comic.


"A dying star’s last wish" (2023)

A sapphic retelling of Sant Jordi's tale, past lives, and two star crossed lovers.

"A dying star’s last wish" (2023)

“Heart of dusk and body from the sky,
can you even call yourself a star?”

"Golondrinas de Verano" (2024)

A hybrid between a children's book and a comic, about Leire and the summers she used to spend with her grandparents, and how to face grief as a kid.

"Les estrafolàries aventures de Lucy Fernanda" (2022)

A series of comic strips depicting how the lord of hell got tired of living there due to overpopulation and how they try to adapt to human society, criticizing it at the same time.
Made for the "Beca Carnet Jove 2022". Came out at third place.

"Raíces" (2022)

Part of a fanzine called "Conticinio" some friends and I did; it's a compilation of short stories revolving around murder and mystery.

"Orgullo Y Prejuicio" (2021)



Hello! My name is Sara and I'm an aspiring artist from Barcelona.I graduated from Universitat of Barcelona (2016-2020) and majored in Fine Arts, and I am currently studying the course "Art Gràfic" at Joso School from Barcelona (2020-2022).Thank you so much for your time!